Why Hire A Lawyer As An Insurance Expert?
When looking for a bad faith claim handling an industry standard of care expert, lawyers oftentimes retain former insurance company claim adjusters. However, does that former claim adjuster have the discipline, patience and broad-based experience to forensically evaluate your insurance claim handling issues.
As a lawyer, Mr. Plitt has established himself as a disciplined, focused, hard-working and tireless lawyer with exceptional analytic skills coupled with the ability to communicate complex subject matter to audiences from varied backgrounds and life experiences. For 15 years straight since 2007, Mr. Plitt has been identified as one of the Top 50 Lawyers by Southwest Super Lawyers in his home state of Arizona. His insurance law practice is based in Phoenix, the sixth largest city in the United States. The same dedication, tireless work ethic, and razor sharp analytic and forensic analysis skill set that brought him to the pinnacle of the legal community in Arizona he brings to his expert consultant/witness practice. In expert consultations nationwide, Mr. Plitt has brought to his consulting practice the same qualities that made him a successful lawyer. He is always prepared and in command of the relevant facts in the cases where he has been retained as an expert consultant or witness. Cases involving insurance industry standard of care as well as claim handling issues and practices can have a lot of moving parts and it is important to have an expert who has the ability to analyze complex claim situations and forensically reconstruct what took place while the claim was being processed. Mr. Plitt is always prepared to discuss case facts with a depth of understanding that is hard to find with most claim handling consultants and witnesses.
Many former claim adjuster turned expert consultant witnesses have spent their careers adjusting claims with only a few insurance companies and may have limited experience from the type of claims they adjusted while employed by an insurance company. Mr. Plitt brings to his consulting practice extensive broad-based experience regarding claim practices and claim management from more than 100 different insurance companies involving many different types of insurance coverages. During the span of his 35+ year career, Mr. Plitt has spoken to hundreds of claim adjusters, supervisors, claim managers, examiners, and other claim management personnel on a regular basis as part of his insurance law practice. These encounters have been in-depth and substantive and were not water-cooler encounters where a claim adjuster may have a shallow meet-and-greet with other adjusters. Follow this link to read about Mr. Plitt’s qualifications as an authority in insurance law cases in state and federal courts.